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My 2012-book about the rock art of the Reque-Chancay drainage, Peru, can be downloaded as PDF (32 MB) by clicking on the illustration above.



For all my publications see my Bibliography Web Page

JULY  2024

Van Hoek, M. 2024. The Rock Art of Sector AP4. Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Peru. Oisterwijk, Holland. Book available as PDF only at ResearchGate.

JUNE 2024

Van Hoek, M. 2024. The "Majes Spitter". Contextualising an Enigmatic Zoomorph in Rock Art. Privately published. Oisterwijk, Holland.

The privately published book has 50 pages and 47 numbered illustrations (with a much larger total of pictures) and can be found as a PDF (13.4 MB) only at ResearchGate.


Van Hoek, M. 2024. An Update of the Petroglyphs at Cerro Mal Paso, Chancay Valley, Northern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF.

To download the book about the Chancay Valley - often referred to in this Cerro Mal Paso paper - please click on the photo above.

MAY  2024

Van Hoek, M. 2024. Commenting on Rozwadowski and Wołoszyn. Dances with Zigzags in Toro Muerto: Through the Lens of Amazonian Art? In TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

To read the original Comments-Paper (May 2024) please click either the TRACCE-link in the title of the paper above this line. Alternatively, you can click the photo above.

Van Hoek, M. 2024. "Trophy" Head # 42 at Toro Muerto? In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

Van Hoek, M. 2024. New "Snake" Petroglyphs - Vítor Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

Van Hoek, M. 2024. A New "Venus" Cross Petroglyph in the Vítor Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

All papers can be downloaded as PDFs at ResearchGate


APRIL - 2024

Van Hoek, M. 2024. Animated Abstracts in Majes Rock Art, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.  PDF at ResearchGate.

Van Hoek, M. 2024. Imaoun - Morocco. Cross-Examining the Venus Cross in the Rock Art of Morocco and Beyond. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at ResearchGate.

January 2024

Van Hoek, M. 2024. Petroglyphs of Tourirt-n-Tislatine, Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at ResearchGate.

Van Hoek, M. 2024. Petroglyphs of Imaoun-3A. Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at ResearchGate. Linked with my video.

Van Hoek, M. 2024. Petroglyphs of Tizounine. Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at ResearchGate.


December 2023

Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Petroglyphs of Jebel Youmkat, Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF in ResearchGate. Video.

Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Archers of Oum el Aleg, Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at ResearchGate.

Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Archers of Oum el Aleg, Morocco. Video linked with my paper about Oum el Aleg in TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin.



Re-published in TRACCE - November 2023:

Van Hoek, M. 2020/2023. False Information Concerning Majes Rock Art, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin. Italy. Revised Version November 2023.The PDF of this Revised Version is available at ResearchGate.

This short paper (the original of which was published in November 2020) discusses in more detail two "photographs" of petroglyphs from the Majes Valley, southern Peru, and the incorrect conclusions based upon those incorrect illustrations published by two academics from the USA. Regrettably, both their "photos" and their rock art related conclusions are unambiguously incorrect. After 2020 I published several papers/books in which it was necessary and relevant to reveal and discuss their errors again.

However, in August 2023 the actions of one of the academics involved forced me to re-publish several of my publications in which I discussed their errors. Therefore, from August 2023 I changed those publications, which were all uploaded again as Revised Versions.  In November 2023 I also decided to publish a Revised Version of my original 2020-paper, which you can access and download now.

My original 2020-paper and my personal opinion are still available on one of my personal webpages (click this link).



Van Hoek, M. 2023/2014. Re-published Review of: UNA SERPIENTE Y UNA HISTORIA DEL AGUA NOTAS PARA UN ESTUDIO DEL ALTO DE LAS GUITARRAS, A book by Cristóbal Campana Delgado - 2013. PDF only available at ResearchGate.



Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Case of Boulder AP3-065, Alto de Pitis. Majes Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at ResearchGate.

Van Hoek, M. 2023. The "Camelines" of Toro Muerto; Majes Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at ResearchGate.


JULY 2023

Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Case of Boulder AP3-098, Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF in ResearchGate.


Van Hoek, M. 2023. Majes Rock Art: Evaluating Scaffidi's 2018-Thesis. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF still available at ResearchGate. See also my webpage.


Van Hoek. M. 2023."Trophy" Heads in the Rock Art of North and South America". Book available as PDF only at ResearchGate (published June 2023 - updated august 2023).

The book has 141 numbered pages and 112 numbered illustrations (with a total of 257 individual illustrations) including several maps. It discusses the icon of the "Trophy" Head in North America, especially Utah, and in the Desert Andes of South America. It is also attempted to compare the graphical and cultural differences between Utah and the Desert Andes.


Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Case of Boulder AP3-060, Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at ResearchGate.


© Maarten van Hoek - Updated July- 2024
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