
Updated  July 2024


To any visitor to any rock art site: please respect and protect rock art.


If you would like to receive anything (if available) from me, please   only  contact me via rockartAThomeDOTnl. Messages sent to me via Academia will not be read.

My videos about rock art in YouTube



Van Hoek, M. 2015. Los Petroglifos de El Olivar, Ancash, Perú. Linked with my paper (2015): Andean Petroglyphs and Yanantin. The Case of El Olivar, Ancash, Peru. In RUPESTREWEB

Van Hoek, M. 2015. Los Petroglifos del Valle de Sinsicap, Perú. Linked with my paper in RUPESTREWEB (2014): An update of the petroglyph art near Simbal, Río Moche, North Peru.

Van Hoek, M. 2014. El caso de la Roca CNG-020, Cerro Negro, Chicama, La Libertad, Perú; Un Análisis Crítico. Linked with my paper in RUPESTREWEB. A critical analysis of the rock art on boulder CNG-020, Cerro Negro, Chicama, La Libertad, Perú.

Van Hoek, M. 2014. The Horseman of Alto de Pitis, Peru: A Post-Columbian Outsider in a Pre-Columbian Landscape.

Van Hoek, M. 2016. El 'Hombre-Cóndor' de Miculla y Challatita. Linked with my paper: The Avian Staff Bearer. Upgrading a Controversial Icon in Atacama Rock Art. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2016. El arte rupestre de Motocachy Pampa, Nepeña, Perú. Linked with my book: VAN HOEK, M. 2016. Rock Art of the Nepeña Valley, Peru. Part I: The North Bank. Oisterwijk, Holland.

Van Hoek, M. 2016. Los Petroglifos de Chumbenique. Linked with my paper: The Petroglyphs of Chumbenique, Zaña, Peru. In: TRACCE. - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2016. Los Petroglifos de Chuquillanqui. Linked with my paper: Los Bordes Aserrados de las Rocas de Chuquillanqui, Perú / The Serrated Rock-edges of Chuquillanqui, Peru. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2017. Los Petroglifos de Tintín, Sihuas, Arequipa, Perú. On YouTube. Linked with my paper in TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin

Van Hoek, M.2017. El Arte Rupestre en el Valle de Yarabamba. On YouTube. Linked with my paper in TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin Petroglifos en Yarabamba, Arequipa, Perú: ¿Aplacandos los Apus?

Van Hoek, M. 2017. Arte Rupestre en el Valle de Jequetepeque. On YouTube.  Linked with my paper in TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin: Up-Dating the Rock Art of Quebrada del Felino, Peru.

Van Hoek, M. 2017. Aves Rupestre del Perú. In YouTube. Linked with my paper 'Petroglifos' Aviformes Tridimensionales. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin .

VAN HOEK, M. 2020. The Petroglyphs of Quebrada de los Boliches - Peru. YouTube. See also my book about Quebrada de los Boliches in DropBox.

The following five videos are linked with my book:

VAN HOEK, M. 2018. The Huacapongo Corridor - Rock Art along a Prehistoric Coastal Route in the Desert Andes. Private Publication. Oisterwijk, Holland.

Available as PDF at Academia and DropBox.

VAN HOEK, M. 2018. Petroglifos de Queneto - Virú - Perú. YouTube.
VAN HOEK, M. 2018.  Petroglifos de Tomabal - Virú - Perú. YouTube.
VAN HOEK, M. 2018. Petroglifos de Susanga-1 y 2 - Virú - Perú. YouTube.
VAN HOEK, M. 2018. Petroglifos de Cerro Blanco - Virú - Perú. YouTube.

VAN HOEK, M. 2017. El Arte Rupestre de Mayasgo-1, Quenca del Río Virú, Perú. YouTube. See also my paper about Mayasgo-1 in: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin.



Van Hoek, M. 2015. El 'Hombre-Cóndor' de Ariquilda. Linked with my paper: The Avian Staff Bearer. Upgrading a Controversial Icon in Atacama Rock Art. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin.


Van Hoek, M. 2014. The petroglyphs of Banda Florida. Linked with my paper in: RUPESTREWEB. VAN HOEK, M. 2011. Banda Florida. An overview of a rock art site in La Rioja, Argentina.

Van Hoek, M. 2014. The petroglyphs of Palancho.

Van Hoek, M. 2014. The rock paintings of Anchumbil.

Van Hoek, M. 2014. The petroglyphs of Cerro Toro.

Van Hoek, M. 2014. The petroglyphs of Parque Diaguita.


Read the comments on my 2014-Argentina-videos by three Argentinan scholars:

M. Mercedes Podestá, Diana S. Rolandi and M. Pía Falchi

They criticised me for not being an academic archaeologist, for publishing about rock art in Argentina and for revealing the location of (only!) one site (Palancho) in Argentina in a video on the internet. Please also read my reply to their false comments.

The following publication (2015) and video are my final comments on the whole issue:

Van Hoek, M. 2015. Video: El Arte Rupestre en Ischigualasto y más ...Linked with my paper: Rock Art at Ischigualasto, and more ... Discriminatory Exclusivity Regarding Rock Art Research in Argentina. In: TRACCE: Online Rock Art Bulletin.


Van Hoek, M. 2013: Petroglyphs of Cedar Point, Utah.

Van Hoek, M. 2013: Sand Dune Site, Utah.


South Africa

Van Hoek, M. 2013: Klipfontein Petroglyph Site.

Van Hoek, M. 2013: Rock Painting Sites near Modderpoort: Modderpoort, Orange Springs, Oldenburg, Tandjesberg and an un-named rock art site north of Orange Springs.

Van Hoek, M. 2013: Petroglyph sites near Bloemfontein: Slypsteenberg and Spitskop.

Van Hoek, M. 2013: Rock art sites near Ficksburg and Clarens: Hoekfontein, Moolmanshoek, Wyndford and Schaapplaats 1 and 2.

Van Hoek, M. 2013: Petroglyph Sites south of Kimberley: Thomas' Farm, Disselfontein, Cristiaansdrift, Driekops Eiland and Vaalpan.

Van Hoek, M. 2013: Petroglyph Sites north of Kimberley: Wildebeest Kuil, Pniel, Doornhoek, Schoolplatz, Stowlands.


Van Hoek, M. 2013: The Rock Art of Twyfelfontein: The Northwest Plateau.

Van Hoek, M. 2013: The Rock Art of Twyfelfontein: The Southeast Plateau.

Van Hoek, M. 2014: The Petroglyphs of Kamanjab.


Van Hoek, M. 2014: The Felines of Foum Chenna. This video is linked with my paper about Foum Chenna in TRACCE On-Line Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2015. African Rock Art - Part X - Aït Ouazik, Morocco. This video is linked with my paper about Aït Ouazik in TRACCE On-Line Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2015. African Rock Art - Part XI - Guelta Oukas, Morocco. This video is linked with my paper about Guelta Oukas in TRACCE On-Line Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2019. The Rock Art of Imaoun South - Morocco. This video is linked with my paper about Imaoun in TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Archers of Oum el Aleg, Morocco. This video is linked with my paper about Oum el Aleg in TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2023. A Trip from Tafraout to Icht (Southern Morocco). This video is linked with my paper about Jebel Youmkat in TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin.

Van Hoek, M. 2024. Petroglyphs of Imaoun-3A. Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.  Linked with my video about Imaoun-3.

Slide shows about rock art

VAN HOEK, M. 2004. Petroglifos de la costa peruana. PowerPoint Presentation presented by Ing. Rainer Hostnig at the I Simposio Nacional de Arte Rupestre. Cusco, Perú, del 25 al 30 de noviembre, 2004.

VAN HOEK, M. 2004. 'Enigmatic' quadrupeds in southern African petroglyph art. PowerPoint Presentation presented by Dr. Giriraj Kumar at the 10th International IFRAO Rock Art Congress in Agra, India, November/December 2004, together with my paper 'Enigmatic' quadrupeds in southern African petroglyph art.

My books and papers about rock art

Many of my publications may be downloaded as free PDF-files at Academia or DropBox (if not available on Academia or DropBox, then I have no digital copy).

Follow me on Academia

About ResearchGate

In 2024 my RG-account was deleted (read my explanation) and therefore all my RG-hyperlinks in the list below have been changed into DropBox (without offering a link; use the DropBox link at the end of this paragraph), where most of my publications can be downloaded for free (all PDFs are numbered for easy reference).

You may also find most of my publications at ACADEMIA and/or at DropBox.




219. Van Hoek, M. 2024. A Petroglyph Panel at Chillihuay (Ocoña Drainage - Peru) within a larger context. In: TRACCE – Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

218. Van Hoek, M. 2024. Petroglyphs of Cerro Negro – Chicama – Peru. Oisterwijk, Holland. PDF of this book available at Academia and also as PDF-136.

217. Van Hoek, M. 2024. The Rock Art Site of Calartoco - Victim of Infrastructure. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at Academia and as PDF-124.

216. Van Hoek, M. 2024. El Vagón Violated. Ongoing Destruction of Rock Art Sites in Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF avalable at Academia.

215. Van Hoek, M. 2024. The Petrified People of Miculla - Rock Art of the Northern Atacama Desert. Oisterwijk – Holland. Book available as PDF at Academia.

214. Van Hoek, M. 2024. The Cupules of Cerro La Cal (and Beyond), Lambayeque, Peru. (Including an Update of Cerro La Cal). In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

213. Van Hoek, M. 2024. The Rock Art of Sector AP4. Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Peru. Oisterwijk, Holland. Book available as PDF at DropBox.

212. Van Hoek, M. 2024. The "Majes Spitter". Contextualising an Enigmatic Zoomorph in Rock Art. Privately published. Oisterwijk, Holland. This privately published book is available as a PDF at DropBox.

211. Van Hoek, M. 2024. An Update of the Petroglyphs at Cerro Mal Paso, Chancay Valley, Northern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

210. Van Hoek, M. 2024. A New "Venus" Cross Petroglyph in the Vítor Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox .

209. Van Hoek, M. 2024. New "Snake" Petroglyphs - Vítor Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox .

208. Van Hoek, M. 2024. "Trophy" Head # 42 at Toro Muerto? In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox .

207. Van Hoek, M. 2024. Commenting on Rozwadowski and Wołoszyn. Dances with Zigzags in Toro Muerto: Through the Lens of Amazonian Art? In TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at at DropBox .

206. Van Hoek, M. 2024. Animated Abstracts in Majes Rock Art, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox .

205. Van Hoek, M. 2024. Imaoun - Morocco. Cross-Examining the Venus Cross in the Rock Art of Morocco and Beyond. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at at DropBox .

204. Van Hoek, M. 2024. Petroglyphs of Tourirt-n-Tislatine, Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox .

203. Van Hoek, M. 2024. Petroglyphs of Imaoun-3A. Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox . Linked with my video about Imaoun-3.

202. Van Hoek, M. 2024. Petroglyphs of Tizounine. Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.  PDF available at at DropBox .

201. Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Petroglyphs of Jebel Youmkat, Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF in at DropBox . Video.

200. Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Archers of Oum el Aleg, Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox .

199. Van Hoek, M. 2023/2014. Re-published Review of: UNA SERPIENTE Y UNA HISTORIA DEL AGUA NOTAS PARA UN ESTUDIO DEL ALTO DE LAS GUITARRAS, A book by Cristóbal Campana Delgado - 2013. PDF only available at DropBox.

198. Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Case of Boulder AP3-065, Alto de Pitis. Majes Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

197. Van Hoek, M. 2023. The "Camelines" of Toro Muerto; Majes Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at at DropBox.

196. Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Case of Boulder AP3-098, Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

195. Van Hoek, M. 2023. Majes Rock Art: Evaluating Scaffidi's 2018-Thesis. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

194. Van Hoek. M. 2023."Trophy" Heads in the Rock Art of North and South America". Book available as PDF at DropBox.

193. Van Hoek, M. 2023. The Case of Boulder AP3-060, Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox .

192. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Rock art at Torán, Majes valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF.

191. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Rock Art at Punta Colorada, Majes, Peru - An Update. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF availbale at DropBox.

190. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Case of Boulder AP3-172, Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF availbale at DropBox.

189. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Petroglyphs of Cerro San Diego - Carabaylla, Lima, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox.

188. Van Hoek, M. 2022. A New Petroglyph Site in the Palpa Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox.

187. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Origin of the Cochineros Bird, Río Mala, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox .

186. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Music in Majes Valley Rock Art, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox.

185. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Case of Boulder AP1-001, Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Southern Peru. In TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox .

184. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Sector-X, Toro Muerto, Peru - Addendum - September 2022. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at at DropBox.

183. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Majes "Dancer" - Analysing an Enigmatic Icon. Oisterwijk, Holland. Book available as PDF at DropBox.

182. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Quebrada de La Tuna - A Rock Art Site in Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. Also available as PDF at DropBox.

181. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Mislaid Beringa Petroglyph. A Missed Opportunity or a Misleading Missive? In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox.

180. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Majes Falsification Updated - The Inconvenient Truth. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF with the Erratum by Tung and Scaffidi available at DropBox.

179. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Vandalism and Falsification of Rock Art: A Matter of Integrity. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF with many more photos available at DropBox.

178. Van Hoek, M. y G. Cárdenas Huachaca. 2022. Los petroglifos de Pariacha, Perú. En: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox

177. Van Hoek, M. y G. Cárdenas Huachaca. 2022. Los Petroglifos de Purunhuasi, Perú. En: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. Available at DropBox.

176. Van Hoek, M. 2021. The "Amputated Carcancha" of Alto de Pitis, Peru: An Alert. In: INORA. Vol. 91; pp. 28 - 31. Available as PDF at DropBox.

175. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Book of the Río Caravelí Petroglyphs, Peru - Further Analyses. Oisterwijk, Holland. Book available as PDF at DropBox.

174. Van Hoek, M. y G. Cárdenas Huachaca. 2022. El Arte Rupestre del Valle de Huarmey - Una Reseña. En: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italia. Available at DropBox as PDF.

173. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Vítor Valley Rock Art Sites: Tacar. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.  Also available as PDF at DropBox.

172. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Rock Art Site of La Laja - Majes Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. Available at DropBox as PDF.

171. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Petroglyphs of Cuesta de la Pachana and Miraflores, Manga Valley, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy and available at DropBox as PDF. 

170. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Status of Sector-X within the Rock Art Complex of Toro Muerto, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. Update February 2022. Update available at at DropBox as PDF. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Sector-X, Toro Muerto, Peru - Update September 2022. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF at DropBox.

169. Van Hoek, M. 2022. The Road to Apu Misti. The Rock Art of La Caldera, Southern Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. Available as PDF at DropBox.

168. Van Hoek, M. 2022. Why Selecting Mollebaya Chico for Rock Art Production? In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. Available as PDF at DropBox.

167. Van Hoek, M. 2021. Updating the Rock Art near Huaca Blanca. Lambayeque, Peru. TRACCE: Available as PDF at DropBox.

166. Van Hoek, M. 2021. Accessing the Inaccessible. Rock Art of Quilcapampa, southern Peru. Oisterwijk, the Netherlands. Book available as PDF at DropBox.

165. Van Hoek, M. 2021. Palamenco and the Unique Petroglyph of the Shooting Male. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

164. Van Hoek, M. 2021. Seated Bimorphs in Paracas Rock Art. Oisterwijk, Holland. Book only available as PDF at DropBox.

163. Van Hoek, M. 2020. Defecating Elephants in Messak Rock Art. An Anomaly? In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at TRACCE and at DropBox.

162. Van Hoek, M. 2021. Petroglyphs and a New Geoglyph in the Sama Valley - Tacna, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

161. Van Hoek, M. 2021. The Cíceras "Carcancha-Bird" Petroglyphs, Majes, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

160. Van Hoek, M. 2021. War and Weapons in Majes Style Rock Art? In: TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

159. Van Hoek, M. and M. Giorgetta. 2021. New Pictographs at Guatin - Atacama Desert - Northern Chile. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

158. Van Hoek, M. 2021. Contextualising the Geoglyph of Huacán, southern Peru (Spanish version included). In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

157. Van Hoek, M. 2020. A Case of Diffusion or of Parallel Creativity? INORA. Vol. 88; pp. 21 - 23. PDF available at DropBox.

156. Van Hoek, M. 2021. The Many Faces of Chuquillanqui - A Rock Art Site in Northern Peru. Oisterwijk - Holland. Book available at DropBox.

155. Van Hoek, M. 2021. Serrated Edges in Rock Art - Diffusion or Parallel Invention? In: TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

154. Van Hoek, M. 2021. The Enigma of the "Feathered Homunculus" in the Rock Art of the Majes Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. Available as PDF at DropBox.

153. Van Hoek. M. 2021. Contextualising the Unexpected Plethora of Feline Petroglyphs in the Majes Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

152. Van Hoek, M. 2020. New "Carcancha" Petroglyphs in Arequipa, Peru. Illustrating the "Road to Coropuna". In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

151. Van Hoek, M. 2020. The Book of Boats. Watercraft in Desert Andes Rock Art. Oisterwijk, Holland. Only available as PDF at DropBox.

150. Van Hoek, M. 2023/2020. Revised Version (November 2023) of: False Information Concerning Majes Rock Art, Peru. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

149. Van Hoek, M. 2020. Enfrentando los dibujos... ¡otra vez! (Perú); Confronting the Drawings ... Again! (Peru). In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

148. Van Hoek, M. 2020. Reviewing Assif Kelmt, Morocco. Les Cahiers de l'AARS. Vol. 21; pp. 253 - 265. PDF available at DropBox.

147. Van Hoek, M. 2020. Rock Art Images Wrapped Around the Corner - The Three Rivers 3D Masks. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. A copy (PDF) can be downloaded from the web page of the Utah Rock Art Research Association (URARA). Salt Lake City, Utah. URL: Patina; Click: Enter Patina (or at DropBox).

146. Van Hoek, E. and M. van Hoek. 2020. New petroglyphs near Icht, Southern Morocco. INORA. Vol. 86; pp. 1 - 8. Available as PDF at DropBox.

145. Van Hoek, M. 2020. The Book of Los Boliches. A Petroglyph Site in Northern Peru. Oisterwijk, Holland. Available as PDF at DropBox. This book is accompanied with a video at YouTube.

144. Van Hoek, M. 2020. The Book of Janus. Polycephalic Creatures in Rock Art. Oisterwijk, Holland. Available as PDF at DropBox.

143. Van Hoek, M. 2020. First Fighting, Then Mating. A 'Unique' Petroglyph Scene in Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

142. Van Hoek, M. 2019. The Rock Art of El Vagón. Moche Drainage, Peru. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

141. Van Hoek, M. 2019. Of Arcs and Dots. Enigmatic Configurations in Arequipa Rock Art, Peru. TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

140. Jennings, J., M. van Hoek, W. Yépez Álvarez, S. Bautista, R. A. San Miguel Fernández and G. Spence-Morrow. 2019. Illomas: the three thousand year history of a rock art site in Southern Peru. Ñawpa Pacha, Journal of Andean Archaeology. Volume 39, Number 2; pp. 1 - 31. 

139. VAN HOEK, M. 2019. The Book of Bows - The Archer in Desert Andes Rock Art. Oisterwijk, Holland. Available as PDF at DropBox.

138. Van Hoek, M. 2019. The Incomplete Versus The Unfinished: Invisible Objects in Desert Andes Rock Art? In: TRACCE On-line Rock Art Bulletin. PDF available at DropBox.

137. VAN HOEK, M. 2019. The Book of Bones - 'Carcanchas' in Global Rock Art. Oisterwijk, Holland. Available as PDF at DropBox.

136. VAN HOEK, M. 2019. The Cupules of the Imaoun Complex, Southern Morocco. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin. Italy. PDF available at DropBox. Video about Imaoun at YouTube.

135. VAN HOEK, M. 2019. The Book of Tracks - Tracking Twisted Tracks in Global Rock Art. Oisterwijk, Holland. Available as PDF at DropBox.

134. Van Hoek, M. 2018. The Saluting Anthropomorph in the Rock Art of the Americas. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

133. VAN HOEK, M. 2018. Possible Indications for Long Distance Diffusion of Rock Art Motifs in the Americas. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

132. VAN HOEK, M. 2018. Indifferent Obliteration of Petroglyph Art. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

131. VAN HOEK, M. 2018. Formative Period Rock Art in Arequipa, Peru. An up-dated analysis of the rock art from Caravelí to Vítor. Oisterwijk, Holland. PDF available at DropBox.

130. VAN HOEK, M. 2018. The Supernatural Flight of the 'Trophy-Bird' of Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley, Peru. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin, Italy. PDF available at DropBox.

129. VAN HOEK, M. 2018. The Pipette-Design in Desert Andes Rock Art. In: ADORANTEN - 2017; pp. 103 - 115. Underslös, Sweden. Available at DropBox.

128. VAN HOEK, M. 2018. Una Actualización del Arte Rupestre del Cerro la Puntilla, Río Chancay, Lambayeque, Perú. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin, Italy.

127. VAN HOEK, M. 2018. Una Actualización del Arte Rupestre de Chumbenique, Quenca del Río Zaña, Perú. In: TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin Italy.

126. VAN HOEK, M. 2018. The Huacapongo Corridor - Rock Art along a Prehistoric Coastal Route in the Desert Andes. Private Publication. Oisterwijk, Holland. Book available as PDF (100 pages - 85 illustrations) at DropBox . Linked with five videos (listed above).

125. VAN HOEK, M. 2017. Una Actualización del Arte Rupestre de Mayasgo-1, Quenca del Río Virú, Perú. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin. See also my video on YouTube.

124. VAN HOEK, M. 2017. 'Petroglifos' Aviformes Tridimensionales. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Italy.  Linked with my video Aves Rupestre del Perú on YouTube.

123. VAN HOEK, M. 2017. Aiapaec in Andean Rock Art? In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Italy. English version only.

122. VAN HOEK, M. 2017. Un Sitio Rupestre Poco Conocido en Chicama, Perú. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Italy. English version with more illustrations available at Academia.

121. VAN HOEK, M. 2017. Actualización del arte rupestre de Cojitambo, Valle de Chicama, Perú (según lo descrito por Castillo Benites en 2006). In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Italy.

120. VAN HOEK, M. 2017. Actualización del arte rupestre en la cuenca del río Virú, norte del Perú. Algunas observaciones sobre el artículo de Castillo-Barrau 2016. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin. Incluido en el PDF disponible en Academia es el artículo original: Castillo Benites, D. S. y M. S. Barrau. 2016. Avances en el inventario de sitios con arte rupestre en la cuenca del río Virú, La Libertad, Perú. Revista Arkinka. N° 252; pp. 100 - 111. Lima, Perú.

119. VAN HOEK, M.2017. Up-Dating the Rock Art of Quebrada del Felino, Peru. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with my video on YouTube.

118. VAN HOEK, M. 2004. 'Enigmatic' quadrupeds in southern African petroglyph art. Paper presented by Dr. Giriraj Kumar at the 10th International IFRAO Rock Art Congress in Agra, India, November/December 2004 on invitation by Robert Bednarik.

117. VAN HOEK, M.2017. Petroglifos en Yarabamba, Arequipa, Perú: ¿Aplacandos los Apus? In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with my video on YouTube.

116. VAN HOEK, M. 2017. Petroglifos Únicos en Ariquilda, Chile. En: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin.

115. VAN HOEK, M. 2017. Los Petroglifos de Tintín, Sihuas, Arequipa, Perú. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with my video on YouTube.

114. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. The Petroglyphs of Chumbenique, Zaña, Peru. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with my video on YouTube.

113. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. Los Bordes Aserrados de las Rocas de Chuquillanqui, Perú / The Serrated Rock-edges of Chuquillanqui, Peru. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with my video on YouTube.

112. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. Kuntur Wasi, Peru: A Case of Architectural Art or Rock Art ? In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin.

111. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. The Frontal Insignia-Tumi: A Rare High-Status Object in Desert Andes Rock Art. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Fully illustrated PDF available at Academia.

110. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. Sobre Dibujos de Arte Rupestre (Andino). Una Petición Para Sólo Publicar Dibujos Que Son Científicamente Sólidos. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin.

109. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. Rock Art of the Nepeña Valley, Peru. Part 2: The South Bank - Discussion. Oisterwijk, Holland. This second part of my Nepeña Book is available as one PDF (see my Academia page; click "books").

108: VAN HOEK, M. 2016. Rock Art of the Nepeña Valley, Peru. Part I: The North Bank. Oisterwijk, Holland. This first part of my Nepeña Book is available as two PDFs (see my Academia page; click "books")

107. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. Icons That Travel. The Enigmatic Traveller in Desert Andes Rock Art. In: TRACCE - on-line Rock Art Bulletin.

106. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. It's all about the head: Morphological basis for cephalic differences in male and female anthropomorphic imagery in Desert Andes rock art. In: Expression. Vol. 11; pp. 76 - 81.

105. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. Dotted Zoomorphs in Andean Rock Art. In: Rupestreweb.

104. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. El Arpa en el Arte Rupestre Andino. In: TRACCE - on-line Rock Art Bulletin. English PDF-version available via Academia.

103. VAN HOEK, M. 2016. The Avian Staff Bearer. Upgrading a Controversial Icon in Atacama Rock Art. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with my videos about Ariquilda (Chile) and Miculla-Challatita (Peru).

102. VAN HOEK, M. 2015. The Potash Sheep Shifters. Bighorn Petroglyphs of the Southwest. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin.

101. VAN HOEK, M. 2015. 'Climbing Biomorphs' in Andean Rock Art and Beyond. In: RUPESTREWEB.

100. VAN HOEK, M. 2015. The Case of Guelta Oukas. Desecrated Rock Art Panels in the Anti Atlas of Morocco. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with my video "Le Site Rupestre de Guelta Oukas, Maroc".

99. VAN HOEK, M. 2015. Rare Petroglyphs of Skeleton-Anthropomorphs in Caravelí, Arequipa, Peru. ADORANTEN-2014. pp. 88 - 96. Underslös, Sweden. PDF-version available via Academia.

98. VAN HOEK, M. 2015. Andean Petroglyphs and Yanantin. The Case of El Olivar, Ancash, Peru. In: RUPESTREWEB. Linked with my video: Los Petroglifos de El Olivar, Ancash, Perú.

97. VAN HOEK, M. 2015. Rock Art at Ischigualasto, and more ... Discriminatory Exclusivity Regarding Rock Art Research in Argentina. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with my video: El Arte Rupestre en Ischigualasto y más ...

96. VAN HOEK, M. 2014. The Case of Petroglyph Y/VIII/4. Evidence of re-hacking of petroglyphs at Israoun, Yagour (Morocco). In: Cahiers de l'AARS. Vol. N° 17; pp. 203 - 208. PDF-version available via Academia.

95. VAN HOEK, 2015. Ananta in Caravelí ? Polycephalic Snakes in Desert Andes Rock Art. In: RUPESTREWEB.

94. VAN HOEK, 2015. A new geoglyph (?) in Nepeña, Northern Peru. In: RUPESTREWEB.

93. VAN HOEK, 2015. Signs of Infinity at Aït Ouazik, Southern Morocco, and Beyond. In: TRACCE - On-Line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with African Rock Art video No. X.

92. VAN HOEK, 2014. Reflecting (on) Petroglyphs: Two Cases. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin.

91. VAN HOEK, 2014. The shaman, the lord and the warrior: anthropomorphic petroglyphs at Chillihuay, Arequipa, Peru. In: RUPESTREWEB.

90. VAN HOEK, 2003. The Cup-and-Ring Art of the British Isles: A Bird's Eye View. The World of Petroglyphs; CD 9. Warmsroth, Germany.

89. VAN HOEK, 2014. The felines of Foum Chenna, Morocco. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin. Linked with African Rock Art Video No. XIII.

88. VAN HOEK, M. 2014. How to draw attention - Anomalies in Animal Orientation: Method and Meaning in Rock Art Studies. Private Publication. Oisterwijk, Holland.

87. VAN HOEK, M. 2014. 'Enigmatic' Quadrupeds in Southern African Petroglyph Art. Oisterwijk, Holland.

86. VAN HOEK, M. 2014. Interpreting a Digitally Restored Petroglyph Panel near Chiza, Región de Tarapacá, northern Chile. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin.

85. VAN HOEK, M. 2014. The Tumi-Bearer of Pampa Grande, Lambayeque, Peru. ADORANTEN-2013. pp. 97 - 109. Underslös, Sweden.

84. Van Hoek, M. 2014. A critical analysis of the rock art on boulder CNG-020, Cerro Negro, Chicama, La Libertad, Perú. In: RUPESTREWEB. A video related to this article is embeded in the RUPESTREWEB paper as: El caso de la Roca CNG-020, Cerro Negro, Chicama, La Libertad, Perú; Un Análisis Crítico

83. VAN HOEK, M. 2014. The Motocachy Pampa Disaster, Peru. In: RUPESTREWEB.

82. VAN HOEK, M. 2014. The Motocachy Pampa Disaster, Peru. In: TRACCE - On-line Rock Art Bulletin.

81. VAN HOEK, M. 2014. An update of the petroglyph art near Simbal, Río Moche, North Peru. In: RUPESTREWEB.

80. VAN HOEK, M. 2013. A Petroglyph Panel from Socospampa, Caravelí, southern Peru. Privately published.

79. VAN HOEK, M. 2013. The Horseman of Alto de Pitis, Peru: A Post-Columbian Outsider in a Pre-Columbian Landscape. Privately published. A video related to this article is found on YouTube.

78. VAN HOEK, M. 2013. The Carcancha and the Apu. Rock Art in the Death Valley of the Andes. In: RUPESTREWEB.

77. VAN HOEK, M. 2013. Santa Rita, a Petroglyph Site in the Chao Valley, Northern Peru. In: RUPESTREWEB.

76. VAN HOEK, M. 2013. A new (?) geoglyph in the Department of Arequipa, Peru. Un geoglifo nuevo (?) en el departamento de Arequipa, Peru. In: RUPESTREWEB.

75. VAN HOEK, M. 2013. The Carcancha and the Apu. Rock Art in the Death Valley of the Andes. Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.

74. VAN HOEK, M. 2013. Commenting on "Las quilcas de Huancor, nuevas hipótesis sobre su cronología y asociación cultural". In: RUPESTREWEB.

73. VAN HOEK, M. 2013. The case of Panel 3 - Bloque 69 - Ariquilda-1, Chile. In: RUPESTREWEB.

72. VAN HOEK, M. 2012. Rumimantam Llaqllasaq Wirpuykita: The 'Cycle of Life' in the Rock Art of the Desert Andes. Oisterwijk, The Netherlands. PDF available at DropBox.

71. VAN HOEK, M. 2012. Cerro Mulato: Rock Art of the Reque-Chancay Drainage, Peru. Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.

70. VAN HOEK, M. 2012. Andean rock art and apophenia: from the macro to the micro. In RUPESTREWEB.

69. VAN HOEK, M. 2012. Cerro Mulato: el caso de Piedra 274. In RUPESTREWEB.

68. VAN HOEK, M. 2011. Petroglyphs of Peru - Following the Footsteps of Antonio Núñez Jiménez. Oisterwijk, The Netherlands. PDF available at DropBox.

67. VAN HOEK, M. 2011. Aldea de Ramaditas, Chile: Architectural Art or Rock Art? In: RUPESTREWEB.

66. VAN HOEK, M. 2011. Cerro Pano: A violated and endangered rock art site in Southern Perú. In: RUPESTREWEB.

65. VAN HOEK, M. 2011. Bogotalla, Perú: How the three-dimensionality of a boulder may explain the occurrence of two-dimensional petroglyphs on that rock. In: RUPESTREWEB.

64. VAN HOEK, M. 2011. Banda Florida. An overview of a rock art site in La Rioja, Argentina. In: RUPESTREWEB.

63. VAN HOEK, M. 2011. The Chavín Controversy - Rock Art from the Andean Formative Period. Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.

62. VAN HOEK, M. 2010. Mogollon Rock Art and the Status of the 'Flute Player'. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE XV WORLD CONGRESS UISPP. Lisbon. BAR International Series. pp. 161 - 173. Archaeopress, Publishers of British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, England.

61. VAN HOEK, M. 2010. 'Trophy' heads in the rock art of the Majes Valley, Perú: exploring their possible origin. In: RUPESTREWEB.

60. VAN HOEK, M. 2010. The ambiguity of depressions in rock art. In: Mysterious Cup Marks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CUPULE CONFERENCE. Ed. Roy Querejazu Lewis. BAR International Series 2073, pp. 89 - 98. Archaeopress, Publishers of British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, England.

59. VAN HOEK, M. 2010. Additional petroglyph rocks at Cochineros, Valle de Mala, Perú. In: RUPESTREWEB.

58. VAN HOEK, M. 2009. Egyptian temple petroglyphs. SAHARA. Vol. 20; pp. 171 - 176. Milano, Italia.

57. VAN HOEK, M. 2008. Possible interpretation of a set of petroglyphs from Sakkaka, Saudi Arabia. ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol. 25-2; pp. 222 - 223. Melbourne, Australia.

56. VAN HOEK, M. 2007. Petroglifos Chavinoides cerca de Tomabal, Valle de Virú, Perú. BOLETÍN DE SIARB. Vol. 21; pp. 76 - 88. La Paz, Bolivia.

55. VAN HOEK, M. 2007. A re-evaluation of the 'monkey' petroglyph at the Quebrada de San Juan, Peru. ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol.24-2; pp. 255 - 257. Melbourne, Australia.

54. VAN HOEK, M. 2007. Atypical cupules at two rock art sites in Southeastern Utah. AMERICAN INDIAN ROCK ART. Vol. 33; pp. 105 - 116. American Rock Art Research Association. Don D. Christensen and Peggy Whitehead, Editors.

53. VAN HOEK, M. 2006. Toro Muerto, Perú. Posibles alteraciones prehistóricas en detalles de petroglifos. In: RUPESTREWEB. Traducción de Diego Martinez Celis especial para Rupestreweb. Publicado originalmente en: ADORANTEN 2005, the Journal of The Scandinavian Prehistoric Society, Underslös, Sweden.

52. VAN HOEK, M. 2005. Toro Muerto, Peru: Possible Prehistoric Deletion of Petroglyph Details. ADORANTEN 2005. pp. 73 - 80. Underslös, Sweden.

51. VAN HOEK, M. 2005. Los Petroglifos de Muralla y Pakra, Valle de Pisco, Perú. BOLETÍN DE SIARB, Vol. 19; pp. 28 - 37. La Paz, Bolivia.

50. VAN HOEK, M. 2005. The 'sitting' zoomorph in Saharan rock art. SAHARA. Vol. 16; pp. 181 - 189. Milano, Italia.

49. VAN HOEK, M. 2005. Biomorphs 'playing a wind instrument' in Andean rock art. ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol. 22-1; pp. 23 - 34. Melbourne, Australia.

48. VAN HOEK, M. 2004. The stepped-fret motif in American rock art: an attempt at tracing origin and meaning. THE ARTIFACT. Vol. 42. pp. 75 - 91. El Paso Archaeological Society. El Paso, Texas.

47. VAN HOEK, M. 2004. New cupule site in the Free State, South Africa. ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol. 21-1; pp. 92 - 3. Melbourne, Australia.

46. VAN HOEK, M. 2004. Late Iron Age game boards and other motifs near Clarens, Eastern Free State. THE DIGGING STICK. Vol. 21 (1); pp. 5 - 7. The South African Archaeological Society. Vlaeberg, South Africa.

45. VAN HOEK, M. 2003. El círculo, el ciervo y la trampa: grabados de cuadrúpedos en rocas con combinaciones circulares en Europa. BRIGANTUM. Vol. 14; pp. 75 - 88. La Coruña, España.

44. VAN HOEK, M. 2003. Upside-down bird petroglyphs near Arica, Chile. Imitating earlier rock art symbolism? ALMOGAREN XXXIV - 2003. pp. 265 - 268. Wien, Austria.

43. VAN HOEK, M. 2003. The rock art of Toro Muerto, Peru. ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol. 20-2; pp. 151 - 170. Melbourne, Australia.

42. VAN HOEK, M. 2003. Tacitas or cupules? An attempt at distinguishing cultural depressions at two rock art sites near Ovalle, Chile. In: RUPESTREWEB.

41. VAN HOEK, M. 2003. Rock Art of Twyfelfontein, Namibia. A survey into the relationship between animal engravings and cupules. THE BRADSHAW FOUNDATION.

40. VAN HOEK, M. 2003. The Saharan 'girafe a lien' in rock art: Domesticated giraffe or rain-animal? Comparing enigmatic giraffe petroglyphs from the Sahara and Namibia. SAHARA. Vol.14; pp. 49 - 62. Milano, Italia.

39. VAN HOEK, M. 2002. New cupule rock art at Twyfelfontein, Namibia. ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol. 19-2; pp. 136 - 137. Melbourne, Australia.

38. VAN HOEK, M. 2002. The Rosario birds - possible indications of El Niño disasters in the Chilean Atacama Desert. ALMOGAREN. VOL. XXXII-XXXIII; pp. 303 - 328 / 2001-2002. Wien, Austria.

37. VAN HOEK, M. 2002. Symbiosis in rock art. A rare example in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. ADORANTEN 2002. pp. 55 - 62. Underslös, Sweden.

36. VAN HOEK, M. 2002. A survey into shaman-related rock art of the Atacama Desert, Chile. STONEWATCH. Vol. 7; pp. 5 - 18. Warmsroth, Germany.

35. VAN HOEK, M. 2001. The Geography of Cup-and-ring Art in Europe. PRIVATE PUBLICATION. Oisterwijk, The Netherlands. In August 2000 I finished my book 'THE GEOGRAPHY OF CUP-AND-RING ART IN EUROPE'. Shortly after that date I arranged the book to be published and distributed on CD-ROM via Josef Otto of Stonewatch. We agreed that universities would be offered a free copy of the book as PDF file on CD-ROM. All other people interested would have to purchase a copy (in PDF format via Stonewatch - as a WORD document via me). In an earlier version of the relevant web page of Stonewatch, Otto indeed offered the CD as: VAN HOEK, M. 2001. The Geography of Cup-and-ring Art in Europe. The World of Petroglyphs Special CD-ROM, 8.However, in September 2005 I noticed to my surprise that WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE NOR MY PERMISSION the book was deleted from that web page and was now on offer on the Internet as a free download PDF document. I was never asked if I would agree with this procedure. Because I do not know how long this free download service has been going on, I leave this matter as it is, but I regret that some people may get the impression to have been misled because of the indecent and inappropriate actions of Josef Otto / Stonewatch. As there are at least two websites offering a free download of my work, I offer a link to one of those websites. In this way everyone has the opportunity to download my book for free WITH MY PERMISSION. Further, I would greatly appreciate if anyone would be so kind to refer to this work as:

35. VAN HOEK, M. 2001. The Geography of Cup-and-ring Art in Europe. Private Publication. Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.

34. VAN HOEK, M. 2001. The hidden gods of Chiuchiu. Boletin-e AZETA. Museo Arqueológico San Miguel de Azapa, Arica, Chile. Website often not accessible.

33. VAN HOEK, M. 2001. The stepped diamond in Andean rock art. ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol. 18-2; pp. 96 - 100. Melbourne, Australia.

32. VAN HOEK, M. 2000. El Valle del Sol; Petroglyphs in the Coquimbo Region, Chile. ADORANTEN 2000. pp. 69 - 75. Underslös, Sweden.

31. VAN HOEK, M. 2000. Rapa Nui cupules; voices of a disintegrating society ? ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol. 17-2; pp. 99 - 110. Melbourne, Australia.

30. VAN HOEK, M. 2000. Fish Petroglyphs at 'Ava 'o Kiri, Rapa Nui: An approximation of a remarkable rock art site at Easter Island. RAPA NUI JOURNAL. Vol. 14 (1); pp. 13 - 17. Los Osos, California.

29. VAN HOEK, M. 2000. Galician axe-heads (Galizische Axtschneiden). STONEWATCH. Vol. 5; pp. 12 - 15. Warmsroth, Germany.

28. VAN HOEK, M. 1999. Rock art, lines and landscape. In: ACTAS CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE RUPESTRE EUROPEA. CD-ROM. Vigo, Spain.

27. VAN HOEK, M. 1999. Radial grooves; symbolic paths in cup-and-ring art. STONEWATCH. Vol. 4; pp. 8 - 10. Warmsroth, Germany.

26. VAN HOEK, M. 1998. Arte rupestre en Gargamala (Mondariz) - Nuevos petroglifos y consideraciones. CASTRELOS. Vol. 11; pp. 95 - 113. Vigo, España.

25. VAN HOEK, M. 1998. Instances of respect and disregard in European rock art. ADORANTEN 1998. pp. 50 - 59. Underslös, Sweden.

24. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1997. Petroglyphs of South East Monaghan, Ireland. ADORANTEN 1997. pp. 39 - 45. Underslös, Sweden.

23. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1997. El arte Neolitico de las Islas Britanicas: Un fascinante legado cultural. ARQUEOLOGIA SIN FRONTERAS. Vol. 1; pp. 36 - 42. Madrid, España.

22. VAN HOEK, M. 1997. The distribution of cup-and-ring motifs along the Atlantic seaboard of Europe. ROCK ART RESEARCH. Vol. 14-1; pp. 3 - 17. Melbourne, Australia.

21. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1996. The cross-symbol associated with prehistoric rock art in the British Isles. SURVEY 1993-1996. Vol. VII-X; 9-12; pp. 75 - 90. Pinerolo, Italia.

20. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1996. Prehistoric rock art around Castleton Farm, Airth, Central Scotland. FORTH NATURALIST AND HISTORIAN. Vol. 19; pp. 103 - 113. Stirling, Scotland.

19. VAN HOEK, M. 1995. The keyhole pattern in the prehistoric rock art of Ireland and Britain. JOURNAL OF THE WESTPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 15; pp. 15 - 25. Westport, Ireland.

18. Van Hoek, M. 1995. Morris' Prehistoric Rock Art of Galloway. Oisterwijk, Holland. PDF (pages rotated by me to enable more easy reading - please excuse the bad quality of the copy of a copy).

17. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1993. The prehistoric rock art of the Boheh Stone, Co. Mayo. JOURNAL OF THE WESTPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 13; pp. 1 - 15. Westport, Ireland.

16. VAN HOEK, M. 1993. The spiral in British and Irish Neolithic rock art. GLASGOW ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Vol. 18; pp. 11 - 32. Glasgow, Scotland.

15. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1993. Addenda to the prehistoric rock art of Co. Donegal. ULSTER JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. Vol. III-56; pp. 179 - 180. Belfast, Northern Ireland.

14. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1993. Early Christian rock art at Clehagh, Co. Donegal. ULSTER JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. Vol. III-56; pp. 139 - 147. Belfast, Northern Ireland.

13. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1991. A survey of the prehistoric rock art of the Port of Menteith parish, Central Scotland. FORTH NATURALIST AND HISTORIAN. Vol. 15; pp. 58 - 75. Stirling, Scotland.

12. VAN HOEK, M. 1990. The rosette in British and Irish rock art. GLASGOW ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Vol. 16; pp. 39 - 45. Glasgow, Scotland.

11. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1989. The rock art at Millstone Burn, Northumberland. ARCHAEOLOGIA AELINA. Vol. 5-XIX; pp. 7 - 16. Newcastle, England.

10. VAN HOEK, M. 1988. Possible 'axe-head' carvings at Knock, Wigtownshire. TDGNHAS. 3rd series. Vol. LXIII. Dumfries, Scotland.

9. VAN HOEK, M. & SMITH, C. 1988. Rock carvings at Goatscrag Shelters, Northumberland. ARCHAEOLOGIA AELIANA. Vol. 5-XVI; pp. 29 - 35. Newcastle, England.

8. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1988. The prehistoric rock art of County Donegal, Part II. ULSTER JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. Vol. 51; pp. 21 - 47. Belfast, Northern Ireland.

7. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1987. The prehistoric rock art of County Donegal, Part I. ULSTER JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. Vol. 50; pp. 23 - 46. Belfast, Northern Ireland.

6. MORRIS, R. W. B. & VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1987. Rock carvings in the Garlieston Area, Wigtown District. TDGNHAS. Vol. 3-LXII; pp. 33 - 39. Dumfries, Scotland.

5. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1987. Further notes on the prehistoric rock art of Galloway. TDGNHAS. Vol. LXII; pp. 9 - 21. Dumfries, Scotland.

4. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1986. The prehistoric rock art of Galloway: a report of some new finds in the Withorn Peninsula and a review of the rock art at High Banks, Kirkcudbright. TDGNHAS. Vol LXI; pp. 20 - 40. Dumfries, Scotland.

3. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. & VAN HOEK, E. E. M. 1985. A new group of cup and ring rocks in Inishowen, Co. Donegal. ULSTER JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. Vol. 48; pp. 123 - 127. Belfast, Northern Ireland.

2. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1985. The destroyed rock art site at Ballinloughan, County Louth. CLAHJ. Vol.XXI-1; pp. 72 - 77.

1. VAN HOEK, M. A. M. 1982. The carved rocks near Wooler. PRIVATELY PUBLISHED. Oisterwijk, Holland. Out of print. Unavailable.

© Maarten van Hoek - Updated: January - 2025
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